30 November 2010
siot giler....
siot giler.... klau kat hotel yg selalu aku tinggal mesti ada wifi connection..... hotel ni klau nak pakai wifi kena duduk kat lobi....... x kan lah aku nak melepak kat lobi sampai pagi buta.... lagi siot tak de plak.... ehh what... laptop ni pakai tenaga lampu yeah.... dah power saver laptop aku sengal giler.... hey...... klau lah aku tau password wifi rembau 1,2,3 tak de makneya aku nak duduk kat lobby ni..... nasib x baik aku tak bayar tuk bilik aku... klau x dah lame aku mintak diskaun..... anyway.... aku benci dessert buah korang
Thanks For Reading
tempat kenangan....
hey readers... aku baru sampai kat tempat yang penuh kenangan.... walaupun tempat ni tak lah sejauh mana dari rumah aku.... but hey... ianya tetap tetap tempat kenangan aku.... aku kat port Dickson..... aku stay kat Selesa Beach Resort..... ok aku mengaku selalunya hotel yg aku stay lagi berbintang dari hotel ni... selalu nya tidur awana porto malai, awana resort genting highland.... dan blah-blah-blah lagi..... kat sini lah tempat pertama aku berlajar berkawan dengan strangers... sume berlaku masa aku 6 tahun... aku kat kiddies pool..... aku bermain lahkan dengan sorang budak laki ni..... kita org main je.... dari pagi sampai lah pool is closed....siot je pool ni ada timing,...... sampai sekarang aku masih teringat-ingat nama budak tu.... shhh....it's privet..... anyway... aku tak leh post banyak-banyak..... bateri aku dah low dan kat lobby ni x de extension cord..... so buhbye
PS :( sori no picture.... tak sempat lah
Thanks For Reading
PS :( sori no picture.... tak sempat lah
29 November 2010
hey readers.... the picture is right....i'am saying goodbye....
but.... it's not goodbye forever... i'am not going to be dead....
i will just disappear from your online friends..... blogs update.... and twitter update....
i'm going to be A wall..... you guys Will see me around but not in the web....
ps :( i'm going to miss the web
ps :D nak contact i hanya dibenarkan melalui phone
26 November 2010
terperangkap antara korang berdua
ahh..... aku terperangkap di tgh tgh.....kau nak clash.... kau nak make up..... kau kwn baik aku.... kau awek cun..... x ikut ckp .... aku kena......
weyh korang..... awek kau nak break..... kau ok je....skang ni kau nak balik dgn dia..... dia x bls lagi sms aku....
weyh korang aku penat lah...
kang nenek sihir tu tuduh aku mcm-mcm.....
please lah korang....
aku x nak terperangkap lagi...
dan terutamanya aku dah x nak kena toucher dpn ustazah lagi..
ps :) bdk gemuk tu panggil aku sotong 3 kali.....
well aku panggil dia badak badak badak
25 November 2010
Bitch Vs You
you know.... a bitch is better than you.... i thought you change but you are still the old stupid girl..... u think you better than every body els.... everyone love that song but you hate it.... everyone doesn't like and even know it existed but you like it.... you are so old school.... you think you all that... but face it girl.... i'm batter than you.... you think you cooler than but face it.... you are a lonely scum bag.... you are so so so so so so..... you think you always right but face it you always wrong......
ps :) i'm sick of you and your annoying little brother
ps :) new song.... miss strong
Thanks For Reading
ps :) i'm sick of you and your annoying little brother
ps :) new song.... miss strong
24 November 2010
same stranger
hey you two.... korang tak kenal 1 sama lain..... BUT....... korang lebih kurang sama..... korang berdua a boy with not much to say.... active in football ...... and you both my friends.....
korang jugak nampak hampir sama.... bezanya korang berdua ada mak bapak masing-masing....
love you guys.. you guys are the best....
what was i thinking
what was i thinking we just friends.... there's nothing more than that..... but i thought we have something special....(yes memang aku perasan).....tapi x pe... aku dah sedar sekarang..... skrg ni kau boleh teruskan hidupkau dan aku pun boleh teruskan hidup aku..... just want to say something.....
i love you cause i really a'm....
i love you not because you are my bff sister...
and i will do anything for you....
ps :) congrats for the A's..... i'm really proud of you
Thanks For Reading
i love you cause i really a'm....
i love you not because you are my bff sister...
and i will do anything for you....
ps :) congrats for the A's..... i'm really proud of you
23 November 2010
loser for you. hahahahahahahahaha
like i care
i know you don't care but you are still a loser.
if i am a loser.... what are you
lick your butt baby
i am zafir
lick your butt first
i already lick it. i can do myself but you can't.
because you scare that your tongue will be dirty
yes i cant because i'm not a sicko like you
sicko is actually my word. and after that my sister use that word. and now you. you think i don't know? well i am special
like i care..... that is your sister chat.... i just copy paste it
copycat. go die
at least i'm not a poser like you
like i care. sorry for copying weirdo.
what ever freako
do i care about it psycho
uhh.... you are more annoying than your sister
is in the blood baby
well for you is ko.
yay! you're stupid loser guy. so i am special than you. you are loser and wearing the same spectacle style like when you are in skbbst. that is so last season.
fyi.... that is an old picture.... i'm not wearing spectacles anymore..... btw.... your attitude is so last season
btw, with or without glasses, your so last season
btw.... everything you do... wear... and much more is superbly last season

actually, what you wear is so last season too. because you wear everything is the same. and also your attitude in skbbst is the same until now when i saw my sister's friends and you talking each other. and i complain it to my mom. and my sister totally agree it. because she said your a mouthful with my brother and biha. now, who's the last season? oh i know! its you of course
haha. i am the winner. see, i know you will give up
haha ko for you.
actually, i'm so disgust with you. eww
btw, i want to eat with my mom right now at as-salam
My mom said, your so gay and i don't like you. i have a girlfriend. pennis
btw..... i also have a gay.... i do this cause i know you guys really hate this emoticon
*have a gay friend
then keep on going with your gay friend sicko
you have no right
i don't care about that because it is just a heart. it is not going to make me feel gay. because i have a girlfriend and also when i'm 6, i got a kissed from a girl called eeman.
did i ask anything... what a geek
do i care? i can talk whatever i do. i didn't answer any of your question or whatever. i'm just want to do that because i don't like you because you are totally geek because you sometimes wearing glasses. that is geek. and also why it have to be geek if you said you didn't ask question? and yeah, why are you being so stupid?
wow.... that's long....
just like what a geek would write...
i know cause u say i'm a geek
i'm not a geek. i'm not wearing glasses when i'm in skbbst
you are
so does wearing a glass mean i'm a geek... hello... many people wore glasses cause they read to much.... i got glass cause watching my laptop so much..... and the person making me do that is you and your sister...
and yes that is long
cause u say i'm a geek 
four eyes always a geek
well so does a nerdy little brother
i'm not wearing any glasses, brother from the gay planet

if i'm from a gay planet so does you.... we are in one planet, one state, one district adn one city
excuse me, i'm in the man planet. not bengkak bengkok planet. btw, my sister want to use this broadband. i have to send her this brodband. if you tell my sister i'll kill you.
like i care if u kill me... if u kill me i will haunt ou until u die
if i already kill you, how are you supposed to haunt me? what a weirdo
hello..... my soul will haunt you ...
like you can.
you supposed to sit and see what humans do
you bet i can
whatever like you can or not, i need to go offline. because my sister called me like a million times. see you later alagator
by loser

Zafirrudin is offline.
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