ps :) you guys make such great couple that are so annoying
29 October 2010
hate you
ahhh.... i hate u very much...... u are such an annoying boy..... even annoying orange is better than you..... you think your style make you look hot...... well think again.... you look worst than a elephant in jeans.......your face look like shit......... you and your girlfriend is just the same..... you guys are spoil rich brat.......
ps :) you guys make such great couple that are so annoying
Thanks For Reading
ps :) you guys make such great couple that are so annoying
26 October 2010
22 October 2010
missed you guys
it's been a while now
since i last talk with you
did you know how
i thought i'm gonna lose you
Thanks For Reading
since i last talk with you
did you know how
i thought i'm gonna lose you
thanks sbb kau sempat borak ngan aku.... rindu giler kau beb..... actually aku rindu korang semua..... korang semua kawan baik aku dowh.......
ps :) see you this holiday
21 October 2010
please get over it
hey you, we have nothing between us anymore.... must i spell it for you.... we are O.V.E.R...... you get back to your perfect boyfriend.....
hey you, yes you
-another story-
aku perasan semua org buat jadual tu... aku sorang je yg buat real karagan.... dah soalan mintak buat ringkasan...... aku buatle ringakasan cam BM..... tgk yg lain buat table..... and i was like..... this is a table not ringkasan.... and diaorg said sir yg suruh buat mcm ni...... ahh tulah bendul sgt aku ni
20 October 2010
sedar diri sikit
listen here you.... ehh kau ingat kau tu bagus sangat ke haa.... ye memang aku tipu kau tapi cuba kau cermin diri kau tu sikit.... perangai cam bohsia, pelacur, babi, dan banyak lagi...... ehh patutlah daddy nak sgt hantar kau masuk asrama..... weyh kau klau nak tunjuk lagak kau anak org kaya, daddy kau selalu gi sana sini takde maknanya..... klau ikutkan parent aku lagi kaya....... kau dgn kawan kau yg gedik, gemuk, kecoh dan banyak lagi tu boleh mampuslah!!!!!!!!!!!
ps :) untuk menghormati org lain.... harap-harap perkataan kesat tak dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar
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ps :) untuk menghormati org lain.... harap-harap perkataan kesat tak dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar
ps :( i hate spoiled girl
19 October 2010
ahh curse you internet
internet you are annoying.... parent aku bayar 65 sebulah kau pulak buat hal.... uhh babi punya internet
post ni sikit sbb aku tgh malas
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post ni sikit sbb aku tgh malas
15 October 2010
hey Arif and bijak... korang perasan tak sorang budak ngada-ngada giler tadi tak datang.... nak tau tak budak ngada-ngada tu terlepas bas.... dah lah hari pertama pulak tu dia naik bas.... mesti korang dia dah mampus kan... atau korang ingat dia pindah kan...
ps :) budak tu ialah aku....hehehe
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ps :) budak tu ialah aku....hehehe
K0 tl0g jgn na malu an ak dpan kwn2 ak n say ak pkai spec nmpa chantek ! K0 klau na puji ta ikhlas or stakat na amik aty ak baek tayah !
sapa kata aku ckp cam tu hanya sbb nak ambik hati kau... aku benar-benar maksudkan... aku tak tipu(memang aku selalu tipu tapi ni kisah benar).... kalau mcm tu kau rasa baik aku tak payah nak mintak maaf kat kau..... eh kalau spa memutuskan silatulrahim berdosa tau tak.....
ps :( kalau kau nak sgt kita x berkawan fine.... mulai hari ni aku akan jadi musuh kau.... dan aku akan layan kau mcm mana aku selalu layan perempuan lain
14 October 2010
searching for the truth...
i'm searching for the truth....why are you like...were u born like that.... were u was hypnotize by the rhythm ..... u read the Quran like that.... u talk like that..... u said hi like that.... are you addicted or something......tell me the truth
nak je aku tulis kat wall kau
kau gila sgt bunkface sampai semua mcm bunkface
sakit hati betul.
ps :) tetiba bahasa melayu sbb saje je
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nak je aku tulis kat wall kau
kau gila sgt bunkface sampai semua mcm bunkface
sakit hati betul.
ps :) tetiba bahasa melayu sbb saje je
hey you...i'm not kidding when i said that you look beautifully in glasses....
you look very hot.... and cute too...... i know that i lie to you a lot that just because not me who wrote that massage........ in the night my brother always use my phone.... the last time you massage me that is me.... please forgive me
ps :) i love your new look so much
Thanks For Reading
you look very hot.... and cute too...... i know that i lie to you a lot that just because not me who wrote that massage........ in the night my brother always use my phone.... the last time you massage me that is me.... please forgive me
ps :) i love your new look so much
today i was laughing my ass out........ first cause i was so happy that haidy was "mangsa" ustazah julailia yang baru..... hari ni langsung ustazah tak sebut pun nama anne harini.... haidy je yg disebut..... padan muka dia......
-another story-
waktu balik tadi my best friend tunjuk lah terrer dkt sidewalk.... dia jln lah backward... and suddenly aku tak rasa ada org kat sebelah aku.... pastu aku dgn ridwan terdengar org jatuh.... pandang sebelah.... dia ada kat sebelah.... kita org ketawa lah... pastu dia nak control malu dia berlakon mcm tak sakit..... kesian dia
ps :) congrats anne... you are of the list.....
Thanks For Reading
-another story-
waktu balik tadi my best friend tunjuk lah terrer dkt sidewalk.... dia jln lah backward... and suddenly aku tak rasa ada org kat sebelah aku.... pastu aku dgn
ps :) congrats anne... you are of the list.....
13 October 2010
aku sukung lu lah beb.... kau jangan kalah pada cabaran ni... actually sing tadi kita orang kena sound sebab masih leka lagi... good thing kau menghilang.......
ps :) good luck
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aku sukung lu lah beb.... kau jangan kalah pada cabaran ni... actually sing tadi kita orang kena sound sebab masih leka lagi... good thing kau menghilang.......
ps :) good luck
check it out....
weyh memang semalam cuti but why hari ni kau menghilang.....
hari ni sekolah ok
ps :D anne, bm, ag, geo, math, psk, tak ada home work....
geo, math, dan psk cikgu tak hadir dan ag dan geo cikgu belum habis buat semakan homework
dan kemungkinan esok last PAFA ever for form 1
Thanks For Reading
check it out....
weyh memang semalam cuti but why hari ni kau menghilang.....
hari ni sekolah ok
ps :D anne, bm, ag, geo, math, psk, tak ada home work....
geo, math, dan psk cikgu tak hadir dan ag dan geo cikgu belum habis buat semakan homework
dan kemungkinan esok last PAFA ever for form 1
12 October 2010
semalam aku berjumpa dgn member aku dari zaman silam aku... rindunya zaman aku dgn dia selalu bermain... sekaragang ni kita orang telah menghala tujuan sendiri... dia pergi sklh privet dan aku terperangkap kat sini..... banyak dah berubah sejak kali terakhir aku jumpa dia..... for instant... dia dah makin matang... dan dia dah makin hensem... tapi dia tetap kenangkan aku walaupun 10 tahun kitaorang berpisah.... love him so much
ps :p dia lagi hensem dari zulfahmi
the only exception
all my friends... you guys is the only exception my mom even give me space to socialize...thanks to all KRK Seri Sepang.... without you guys my mum wouldn't let me socialize.... i use to be the freak that never comes out to play..... at my old school i was so isolated.... i don't have many friend...... thanks to Fatihah to let me see the smart side of me.... thanks to Aiman that teach me to have fun Facebook...... thanks to Anne to teach me how to make a fun blog..... thank to Sharon for filling my days with laughter.....(banyak lagi tapi penatlah).... love you guys
ps :D paramore- the only exception
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ps :D paramore- the only exception
sorry for disappearing from blogger.... i was actually in Australia...... my my grand have a rule... and that is NO blogging, Twittering, and or Shopping...... my grandma only aloud Facebook........ i'm in Australia cause i'm staying with my grandma at her house in Canberra......
on the other hand, sorry cause of my rude and annoying Facebook update.... i'm just so pissed of withhaidy and aiman post..... uhh anyway i'm hating them now
ps :p kalau ada apa-apa berlaku kathaidy dan aiman.... aku mungkin suspek terakhir
Thanks For Reading
on the other hand, sorry cause of my rude and annoying Facebook update.... i'm just so pissed of with
ps :p kalau ada apa-apa berlaku kat
08 October 2010
see you again
it's been a while since the last time i saw you........i still remember the time i capture your pic silently.......... ahh good time-good time...... the last day i talk to you was awesome.....
i just saw you and that when i was riding a motorcycle.... i now you wouldn't believe that is me because i'm tgh merempit masa tu...... aku nampak kau dalam kereta bapak kau.....
ps:) hope we meet again
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i just saw you and that when i was riding a motorcycle.... i now you wouldn't believe that is me because i'm tgh merempit masa tu...... aku nampak kau dalam kereta bapak kau.....
ps:) hope we meet again
Tell Me Why-Declan Galbraith
this video is so does the song.....lets help those kids....go to the link below to see what we could do
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little hands, big changes
ahh.... pagi tadi aku pergilah baca yasin dgn ofis mak aku..... ahh aku pening giler.... semua orang baca dengan kuat.... semua orang baca sendiri-sendiri.... nak tunjuk terer lah konon... aku duduk kat belakang dgn diam....
ps :) walaupun aku duduk sendiri kat belakang... aku tak baca apa-apa
Thanks For Reading
ps :) walaupun aku duduk sendiri kat belakang... aku tak baca apa-apa
06 October 2010
Fimie Don Untuk Mama & Papa
hey, kenal tak budak kecik tu. tu lah fimie don... atau pun shafimie saedon hey dia telah mula menceburi bidang nyayian.....dari nyayian dia.... terserlah suara tidak matang........ dan dia masih 12 tahun.... so kerjaya nyayian dia belum pasti akan kekal tetapi kerjaya lakonan akan kekal sehingga dia dah tak laku
ps :) tgk lah video ni... terharu dengar ayatnya
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ps :) tgk lah video ni... terharu dengar ayatnya
missing you like crazy
thank you for talking with me again
i missed you so much
no one can replace you
you are the best damn friend i ever had
ps :D you are awesome
Thanks For Reading
i missed you so much
no one can replace you
you are the best damn friend i ever had
ps :D you are awesome
safe search
i could not believe it, when i write cute young boys model..... naked picture of 18 year old boy come out..... what the heck with that
-danial redclife-
i could not believe i found a naked picture of danial redclife online.... even jonathan taylor thomas have naked picture on the web
-ahhh crazy much-
while i was searching google image for pic of star, i found a picture from a blog trying to cut famous teen star head and paste it on pic of bare naked man
ps :) i learn my lesson, next time i will not TURN OF safe search
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-danial redclife-
i could not believe i found a naked picture of danial redclife online.... even jonathan taylor thomas have naked picture on the web
-ahhh crazy much-
while i was searching google image for pic of star, i found a picture from a blog trying to cut famous teen star head and paste it on pic of bare naked man
ps :) i learn my lesson, next time i will not TURN OF safe search
tuning my head
hey.... i'm tuning up my mind..... although the previous post said i din't study.... well now i'm starting to study.... study the way to win this, it's not a football game.... it's a word puzzle.....(you don't think i play something that a waste of time do you)..... and i'm going to gamble after this..... no, i'm not going to play poker.... i going to play blackjack...... hahaha....buhbye
ps :) i'm the number 10 blackjack master
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ps :) i'm the number 10 blackjack master
fear of failing
ahh... P.A.T makin dekat..... tapi aku malas nak membaca....tapi aku takut fail...... kalau lah aku boleh kembali ke zaman silam and failkan upsr haritu..... kalau aku fail upsr takde nye aku dalam masalah ni.....dah lah diberi pressure dari cikgu macam exam ni antara hidup and mati.... ahh sakitnya hati
ps :) aku tak tipu pasal tak baca buku pun
Thanks For Reading
ps :) aku tak tipu pasal tak baca buku pun
05 October 2010
make's me wonder
hey, why are you making me wonder who you are
why are you making me wonder where you're from
why are you making me wonder what your age
semua bermula ditandas cable car... ada sorang budak tu pee beside me... and then aku cuba lah berborak dgn dia... x lama kitaorang berborak... aku belum sempat tanya nama dia.... dia dah lari keluar.....masa aku kat hotel aku nampak kelibat dia kat kolam.... bila aku turun dia hilang...... atas kapal pun aku nampak dia.... bila aku menghampiri dia.... dia pulak masuk tandas..... kat jeti aku nampak dia baru nak turun kapal....aku tunggu kat luar tapi tak jumpa dia..... masa kat r&r aku nampak dia... aku ingatkan dia baru nak turun bas... rupanya bas dia dah nak balik.....
sampai skrg aku ingat muka dia
ps :( walaupun dia laki tak bermakna aku gay
ps :) disebabkan ini aku menukar kan jadi Make Me Wonder-Maroon 5
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why are you making me wonder where you're from
why are you making me wonder what your age
semua bermula ditandas cable car... ada sorang budak tu pee beside me... and then aku cuba lah berborak dgn dia... x lama kitaorang berborak... aku belum sempat tanya nama dia.... dia dah lari keluar.....masa aku kat hotel aku nampak kelibat dia kat kolam.... bila aku turun dia hilang...... atas kapal pun aku nampak dia.... bila aku menghampiri dia.... dia pulak masuk tandas..... kat jeti aku nampak dia baru nak turun kapal....aku tunggu kat luar tapi tak jumpa dia..... masa kat r&r aku nampak dia... aku ingatkan dia baru nak turun bas... rupanya bas dia dah nak balik.....
sampai skrg aku ingat muka dia
ps :( walaupun dia laki tak bermakna aku gay
ps :) disebabkan ini aku menukar kan jadi Make Me Wonder-Maroon 5
today story
siot je dowh.... ada orang menyamar jadi azfar dgn profile azfar kat fb pastu kutuk aku.... what the hell with that... good thing aku sempat salin chat tu... muahahaha
Thanks For Reading
siot je dowh.... ada orang menyamar jadi azfar dgn profile azfar kat fb pastu kutuk aku.... what the hell with that... good thing aku sempat salin chat tu... muahahaha
04 October 2010
wake up
(Wake up, wake up)
There's people talking
They talk about me
They know my name
They think they know everything
But they don't know anything
About me
Give me a dance floor
Give me a DJ
Play me a record
Forget what they say
?Cause I need to go
Need to get away tonight
I put my makeup
On a Saturday night
I try to make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy
But it's ok
Wake up! Wake up!
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There's something going on
Anywhere I go tonight
Tonight, yeah tonight
The city's restless
It's all around me
People in motion
Sick of all the same routines
And they need to go
They need to get away tonight
I put my makeup
On a Saturday night
I try to make it happen
Try to make it all right
I know I make mistakes
I'm living life day to day
It's never really easy
But it's ok
Wake up! Wake up!
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There's something going on
Anywhere I go tonight
Tonight, yeah tonight
People all around you
Everywhere that you go
People all around you
They don't really know you
Everybody's watching
Like it's some kind of show
Everybody's watching
They don't really know you now
(They don't really know you)
(They don't really know you)
And forever
Wake up! Wake up!
(Wake up, wake up)
Wake up! Wake up!
(Wake up, wake up)
Wake up! Wake up!
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There's something going on
Anywhere I go
Wake up! Wake up!
On a Saturday night
Could be New York
Maybe Hollywood and Vine
London, Paris
Maybe Tokyo
There's something going on
Anywhere I go tonight
Tonight, yeah tonight
(Wake up, wake up)
ps :) kalau nak nyayi sekali dgn autoplay, dipersilakan
thank you
for what you might say
well for making my life miserable
you stole my heart and just leave without even a letter
I've try to call, but your brother always pick it up
whats the wrong with you
our friendship was find, but you did that to me
how could you
i remembered you every day(no wonder, my email is under your name).....
ps :( even though u don't even care, i still remember your biography till today
Thanks For Reading
for what you might say
well for making my life miserable
you stole my heart and just leave without even a letter
I've try to call, but your brother always pick it up
whats the wrong with you
our friendship was find, but you did that to me
how could you
i remembered you every day(no wonder, my email is under your name).....
ps :( even though u don't even care, i still remember your biography till today
wake up.....
hey every one.... WAKE UP...... P.A.T is near..... for people that didn't notice..... WAKE UP from your DREAMS that P.A.T is far away from now..... JUMP OUT of your beds and head to the books..... P.A.T is important.....most of all for all the KRK students..... its very IMPORTANT!!!!
-no school-
hey you guys... i know that school is on break for 13 days, we can hangout, sleep as late as we want to......well WAKE UP you LAZY head.... P.A.T is superbly near.....
-bad dream-
ahh, last night i woke up and saw all my old friends were in front of my eyes.... i thought my eye was playing the foul on me.... they all stops by at my grandma house.... they came to visit me cause its m birthday.... my mum invites them.....
ps :) since this post has many of the wake up word, past, presence, future tense... i change the song to wake up...hilary duff
Thanks For Reading
-no school-
hey you guys... i know that school is on break for 13 days, we can hangout, sleep as late as we want to......well WAKE UP you LAZY head.... P.A.T is superbly near.....
-bad dream-
ahh, last night i woke up and saw all my old friends were in front of my eyes.... i thought my eye was playing the foul on me.... they all stops by at my grandma house.... they came to visit me cause its m birthday.... my mum invites them.....
ps :) since this post has many of the wake up word, past, presence, future tense... i change the song to wake up...hilary duff
hey :) check that link out.....
anne.... who is that outsider.... is he/she somebody from our class.... or is he/she from the other class.... i'm now i'm not the one... aku tak rehat kat mana korang rehat... dan aku tak ikut kau... that's why aku buang diri aku from the list.....
tell me anne.... you know you can tell me not anything
ps :( ignore je gambar tu
pagi mampus ar
weyh mangkok, kau pergi lah mampus dengan perangai kau yag annoying tu
kau rasa kau tu hensem sangatlah.... news check, atuk aku lagi hensem dari kau tau tak.
kau makin poyo dan gebang.....awal tau yeye je baca doa kuat-kuat tunjuk alim
sekarang baca doa suara pun tak dengar..... sibuk buat kerja lain pulak tu
awal taun bukan main skema giler...... sekarang, mula nak tunjuk belang, gam seluarlah, pakai seluar low giler lah.... macam lah macho sangat macam tu..... macam nak tarik je seluar dia tu......
get lost you imbecile....
ps:( pedulikan gambar ni... aku main pick and put je
01 October 2010
i dont wanna to
hey, can you like move on with your life..... our love life is way over.... i already break with you from standard four..... just go with your GS boyfriend...... just go your own way.... uhh is it to much to ask..... just get away from me..... our relationship is over, done, finish, end..... there's nothing between us anymore...... leave me alone you annoying girl
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feeling bored
i feel really bored without you......
if i could meet you again....
the only problem is you are hundreds of mile away.....
-miss u so much-
Thanks For Reading
if i could meet you again....
the only problem is you are hundreds of mile away.....
-miss u so much-
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